The latest medical imaging equipment is utilised to ensure highly accurate procedures with the least amount of exposure to radiation possible. This means improved safety and patient comfort.
Spinal Intervention
CT guided procedures including:
- Facet Joint Injections
- Nerve Root Sleeve Injections
- Epidural Injections
- Sacroiliac Injections
- Rhizotomy
- Sympathetic Nerve Blocks
CT guided procedures including:
- Cortisone Injections
- Synvisc Injections
- Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
- Autologous Blood Injections
- Durolane Injection
Interventional Pain Management
Chronic pain has a dramatic impact on quality of life. Medications or physical therapy may prove to be ineffective in relieving pain. In these cases, interventional pain management may be recommended by a referring doctor to treat and manage pain.
Dr. Mark Hamlin specialises in interventional pain management with a staff of experienced radiographers and a pain nurse.
Specialist Assessment
The first part of the treatment process starts with a clinical assessment. This helps us to identify the potential cause of the pain and evaluate treatment options. This requires us to learn more about your past medical history.
The second part of treating chronic pain involves radiological investigations. These tests allow our specialists to see the underlying structures of the body from the joints to the nerves. We use the latest imaging equipment in our facilities.
Physical therapy is an important aspect of a comprehensive treatment program. Our specialists may require physical therapy prior to undergoing interventional treatment. This is only necessary in certain circumstances.
Interventional Treatment
All procedures are performed at Capital Radiology under low-dose CT scan guidance for precise injections. Procedures we are able to perform include:
- Autologous Tenocyte Implantation
- Morton’s Neuroma Ethanol Ablation
- Facet Joint Injection
- Musculoskeletal Injections
- Epidural Injection
- Nerve Root Sleeve Injections
- Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
- Prolotherapy
- Lumbar Sympathetic Nerve Block
- Rhizotomy (RFA) Treatment
- Synvisc Injection
- Durolane Injection
Chronic Pain Treatment
Chronic pain is a serious health issue that affects nearly 1 in 5 Australians and tends to be more prevalent as people get older. Experiencing pain whether from a medical condition or physical injury reduces quality of life and contributes to emotional distress.
Chronic pain can range from mild to severe discomfort and can affect the entire body or a specific area. Use of pain relieving medications is common although its effectiveness depends on the individual and the severity of the condition. Seeking medical help is strongly recommended if current forms of therapy are ineffective or the problem continues to persist.
Physical injuries to body tissues are among the most common causes of chronic pain. A physical examination will then be conducted of the musculoskeletal system to assess the source of the pain. Physical therapy may be required before undergoing pain interventional treatment.
The second part in our pain management clinic involves taking diagnostic medical imaging (x-rays, CT scans, MRI scans or nuclear medicine scans) as physical examinations are not always accurate. Radiology tests send forms of energy through the body to create an image of underlying structures. This allows our specialists to evaluate medical conditions in more detail.
A pain treatment plan is then formulated and tailored specifically to address your circumstances. This is an important component of a pain management plan that specifies goals and a timeframe for reaching them.